Q) I can't use my sportsengine username and password anymore? What am I doing wrong?
A) Nothing! This is a brand-new platform called ENGAGE. It was created for gyms by a Minnesotan developer. It is based off the scoring and meet management system they created for our competitive association and used by many high school programs. You will need to create a new account.
Q) How much does it cost?
A) The cost depends on the level you are registering for. The costs per level are listed on the general information page under the registration tab. The cost listed is the cost for the whole session (excluding the fundraising fee for applicable classes).
Q) Why is the cost different for the same class on different days?
A) We pro-rate the cost of the class if we miss any days of that class for holidays, home meets, etc. If the cost is less that means your child will have less total classes that session.
Q) How do I know what class I am registered for?
A) When you complete the online registration process you will receive a receipt confirming your registration.
Q) Do you provide refunds?
A) If a registered child is unable to participate for an extended portion of the session (more than a week or two) we will provide a refund for the time missed as long as a doctor's note is provided to us. We also need a doctor's note to return to activity when the illness or injury has been resolved if we have provided a refund for missed time.
Q) When can my child move up to the next level?
A) If your child is in parent/tot or pre-k their age will determine when they should move up, unless a coach has a recommendation outside the normal age range for a given class. If your child is in beginner I through advanced they will be tested the second half of the session and provided a level recommendation at the end of our testing period. If it is recommended that your child advance to the next level they will do so at the beginning of the next session you register for. Students will not move up within a session, they will wait until the start of the next session.
Q) If I am new to your club how do I determine what level my child should be registered for?
A) If your child is 6 or older and transferring from another club the best thing to do is to ask for a skills list of the things your child was working on and can do and our staff can help to determine what level is appropriate. If your child is new to the sport of gymnastics they will be placed into a parent/tot class, pre-k class or one of the beginner options based off of their age.
Q) What should they wear?
A) Leotards are great for the girls. If they have them that is what they should wear. If you do not have a leotard wear form fitting clothing that is comfortable to move in. Boys should wear zipperless shorts and a t-shirt or tank top. Bare feet are strongly recommended. More information on attire can be found under our gym policies.
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